The omission of the Arabic characters has enabled the printers to put out this work in a very compact form and at a costĬonsiderably below what it would otherwise have been. Comparatively fewĮuropeans make any serious attempt to learn the Arabic character, and those who do will no doubt require a dictionary rather than a vocabulary. Malay words are printed in roman letters only. In this vocabulary, as in the "Practical Malay Grammar," the Which are in common use or are likely to be needed by the student in the first two or three years of his study of the language have been omitted. Taken in the selection of the words, and it is hoped that very few In such a list it is of course impossible to include all the Malay words which may be met with in even a very limited range of Malay reading, and the student will no doubt meet with some expressions in conversation with Malays which will not be found in this vocabulary. The list of words which is here offered to the public contains over

"Practical Malay Grammar." It was originally intended to incorporate with the Grammar an English-Malay and a Malay-English Vocabulary, each containing some three or four thousand words, but in view of the fact that most people require a vocabulary containing as large a number of words as possible and are subjected to much disappointment and annoyance when they find that their vocabulary does not contain just the very word which they require, it has been thought better to publish the vocabularies separately and to make them as complete as is consistent with the low price at which such works are expected to sell. This vocabulary has been prepared for use in connection with my PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE. Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchĪuthor of "A Practical Malay Grammer" etc. Of Household, Nautical and Medical Terms etc. With their English equivalents, together with
DISCLAIMER !!!! Aplikasi ini OFFLINE untuk Promosi kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas masalah hak cipta.Containing over 7000 Malay Words or Phrases Beli Asli CD & DVD untuk Mendukung Artis Favorit Anda !Ĥ. Mp3 Dimaksudkan untuk Keperluan PromosiĢ. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.ġ. We only get the content from search engine and website. Tolong Revew (Coment) Alikasi Ini jangan Lupa juga Berikan Nilai Maksimal (RATE 5) Agar kami Terus memaksimalkan Aplikasi Ini agar lebih Baik Lagi.Īll of content in this application is not our trademark.

Semoga Bisa Bermanfaat Bagi Kita Semua.īagikan Aplikasi Ini, karena Banyak sekali mengandung manfaat Kebaikan bagi Kita dan bagi yang menerimanya. Selamat Membaca, Menghafal dan Mendengarkan. Jangan kaulewatkan harimu untuk sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat, dan jangan kau sia-siakan hartamu untuk sesuatu yang tidak produktif.īerikut daftar isi Kosa kata Bahasa Arab īerikut ini daftar isi QOWAID Bahasa Arab (Tata Bahasa) īerikut ini daftar isi untuk HIWAR Bahasa (Percakapan) Arabnya Percakapan Bahasa Arab Lengkap berisikan kumpulan percakapan yang bisa anda gunakan untuk bahan pembelajaran, lebih dari 59 tema percakapan, 100 Tema Kosa Kata MP3.Ĭukup Instal (aplikasi) Ini dan rasakan manfaatnya. Sistem pembelajaran yg dikhususkan bagi Anak, Yang masih Sekolah Semua Tingkatan SD, SMP, SMA dan para eksekutif dan bahkan bisa diikuti oleh mereka yg super sibuk sekalipun. “Wajib bagi setiap muslim untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab dengan sekuat tenaga agar bisa menjalankan yang wajib.”Īlhamdulillah, berkat kecanggihan teknologi, bagi kaum muslimin yg semangat belajar ilmu agama, yakni bahasa Arab, kini hadir Aplikasi Kamus bahasa arab mp3 percakapan.